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Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Monkey and Math - flea hold

SAT question

To undo the fifth-root symbol, raise both sides to the fifth power:

Now cross multiply:
Catch the fleas root above 5.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Digestion and Math

SAT question
Hint) food
Nmerator as the stomach will multiply mixed.
Denominator is divided, like the intestine.
The process of arithmetic operation process and digestion, as the rules allow the sequence indicated trample.

Monday, August 29, 2011

Hair parting and Math

Find the shaded area
If length of bottom side of a polygon and height all the same,
the same area of ​​the triangle, even if some form.

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Meeting of music and math

Viruses and mathematics (the selection of viruses)

6% of our body gene Is hereditary from the outside came virus.
The structure of the virus - Twenty faces regular polyhedron
Astute virus know that triangle is the most stable structure.
In addition, Twenty faces regular polyhedron with the largest area that you could suck the nutrients ...,
Virus is also do mathematics.

Monday, August 22, 2011

Bald head Math

(Area of Circle of Hippocrates)

The area of the pigmented part?
Area of pigmented part and area of triangle is same.

 Hippocrates: That's right. Why?        Old Prince: You're bald. Why hide?

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Crazy middle school math problems

Middle school math problems from a crazy existence
quadrant within the circle inscription 

American Terminator, South Korea's hard to be solve math problems middle school shit is cheap...

Friday, August 19, 2011

The Mesozoic Era living organism and Math

Stop am. The Mesozoic Era living organism is only the dinosaur?

Find x
point to raise it to answer.

Sexual molestation of Korea Goryeo University medical student and Math ruling

If the law can not ruling, should math ruling.
To lie mouth and has a hand in the evil deed.
This hand and mouth to be the one to one correspondence to sew.
wahoo should be a excommunication to the limit!

-Math public interest advertisement conference-

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Exercise equipment and Mathematics

Exercise equipment and compression theorem
sequence of numbers {} and for all natural number n, if  is .
Mock test test question

Two sequence of numbers  is for all natural number n
conditions as follows satisfied, value of ?

When attaching the calculation limit expressions = 5

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Friday, August 12, 2011

dangerous fraction and dangerous handstand

exponential equationto satisfy the sum of values ​​of all x?
Relationship of root and coefficient solves problems using.
Answer: -3
Inverse number, when handstand leg bent forward  is  to a minus symbol.